Wednesday, April 23, 2008

BA#5: Alice Munro's "The Albanian Virgin"

1) I think the secret in this short story is if Charolette and Lottar are the same person. This secret is held by the author and is kept from the readers. Both Lottar and Charlotte disappear at the end of their stories and are both helped by a man who can end up being the same man. The priest who helps Lottar healed her when she was hurt and had a wooden cross that again appears around Charolette's husband, Gjurdhi, neck which is a clue that they may be the same person.
2) Another secret that is in the same story is what ended up happenings to both Lottar and Charlotte. The author leaves the reader to wonder what ended up happening to them. This secret relates to the first secret because if you knew if they were the same person then you would know what happened to Lottar. Charlotte disappeared from the hospital with Gjurdhi and the author never tells you where she went. While Charlotte was in the hospital she started to tell Claire the story of the Albanian virgin which makes the reader think she may be telling her own life story.
3) I think that understanding the secret isn't neccessary to understanding the narrative. This story has two narratives put together and the secret would let the reader connect them easier.


April said...

I definitely agree that Charlotte's story of the Albanian Virgin mirrored Claire's life story, and that it isn't necessary to know the secret. If the reader did not know either secret, you would still be able to understand the story, just probably not as well, especially knowing that the characters do mirror each other.

ryan lewis said...

Charolette and Lottar are defiantly the same person. We are never out right told that, but by using the clues in the text we can get a pretty good understanding that they are the same person. We see that almost everything about Charolette is the same with Lottar and they act the same and have the same possessions as one another. We also are able to understand a lot more about Charolette knowing the Lottar was really her. We get a back ground for what she really is like.