Wednesday, April 2, 2008

BA #2 McCarthy's The Road

I. McCarthy continues to give small details throughout the rest of the novel. At the very end, I was not sure what the future held for the boy and "papa". The boy and papa's destination was left in the hands of a complete strangers, in this "dark"society full of people living savage like lifestyles. It makes me wonder whether these strangers were trustworthy. I came to question as to what will happen next, but the book was at it's end. I never really was sure if the future of these two main characters would be in good hands or not.

II. Not only am I curious as to the boy and "papa's" future, but I wonder what is held for the future of their society. In this society, as the main characters struggle to survive, so do the people living similar lifestyles around them. What would happen with the people left, after almost everyone has taken part in being cannables(PG.127)? Or I wonder whether the environment changes, and everyone becomes suddenly stable.

III. The two secrets I had used in the first couple of questions, leaves a similar conclusion as I left in blog #1. These two secrets do not hold me back from understading the general storyline of the novel, but I am left curious. The novel ends, with loose ends, leaving many possiblities as to what could happen next. This book could definetly have a sequel, in which there is so many more details that can be unravelled.

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